Tranny Shifting wierd (4l80e)
Been putting a lot of miles on the truck latley, LOVE IT! I have noticed an issue with the trans though.
When I start it up and drive it for the first time each day, it acts like it doesnt want to shift out of 1st. Its not slipping, its just acting like it doesn't want to shift at the reg RPMS...instead it shifts around 3-4k and then from there on it shifts fine. Like even if I stop at a stop light, it will shift regularly after that. Its just the first initial shift for driving the truck each day. It does have a Nelson Tune and they have the shifts firmed up I am not sure if that matters.
And also, if I shut the truck off after driving fora bit and let it sit, it wont wanna shift out of first but once it does everything is fine and like I said every shift is fine after that whether its from a stop sign or not. Ideas? Fluid is good.