Im gonna run 05 truck e fans in my blazer. Ill be running the 93 ac setup. How do i get my ls pcm to operate my efans when ac is on.
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Im gonna run 05 truck e fans in my blazer. Ill be running the 93 ac setup. How do i get my ls pcm to operate my efans when ac is on.
I used a relay tied to the a/c clutch wire to trigger the fans. There are some wiring diagrams posted in the fan topics on here. There are factory setups and some really unique setups posted. Search for wiring diagrams or schematic and it shouldn't take long to find them. You should get the PCM setup to control the fans if it isn't already, most are setup to trigger the fans with a one wire on layout.
This one is pretty good...
Red u dont play. U r the man
Yeah i had np program for e fans and i got one of their harnesses as well. Correct me if im wrong but all ill need to do is use clutch signal to energize a relay and supply ground to a pin on the pcn
The PCM supplies ground for the relays. You can add a relay to provide ground to turn the fan on.
Thanks alot. That diagram is exactly what i need.
I am not sure what tune he has in your pcm. Trucks dont have the same internal logic to control the electric fans since they werent an option until 2005. I think they only have one fan trigger wire for pre 2005. The diagram is for a camaro corvette based tuned.