My 80e swap has begun
after blowing the 2nd 60e with only 18k miles on my 08'....time to upgrade.
im going by Allens and Red Heartbeats threads on the how to's.....:thanks:
headed to S.A in the a.m for the yoke and Nelson 80e conversion harness
everything is off....just need to order converter circle D ;)
no Need for a harness, just follow Redheartbeats repinning instructions.
the pins are a pita!!! so triple check the pins to make sure they are all showing and flush with the connector, sometimes they pull out and aren't seated, so they never make contact with the tcm.
damm thats where im gonna get stuck lol,i just wanted to plug and play.hmm if i cant get it either way once buttoned up it'll be headed your way bro.
on his thread it says add a vss connector?
Get Allen to send you a pre-programmed TCM, that will be so much easier for you.
u heard em Allen lol ... ill swing by ill take my ecm/tcm
good luck man hope the swap goes well for ya
this sucks there sendin me a 6L90E....now im really stuck lol i dont know what to do now i already have all the parts for a 4L80e swap :/....im thinking the 6L90Eswap is gonna be too much more mods? ide like a 6 speed but ive got 4.56'''may have to take them out i bet if i were to go that route.damm guys had it listed as a 4l80e out of a 08' 2500hd....and well i thought the 6speed came out in 09':(
either transmission will be badass. If you already got the 80e converter, that'll be the deal break, i know those things are pricey.
now im reading Keniffs thread on pt.net lol damm...sometimes this hobby will give u headache...anyways converter is cancelled for now..now all these parts mite have to swap em for 6l90 parts....im on hold for now till i find out exactly whats all needed for the 6speed swap. i know 4.56 and 6spd gonna be too much.i called all of s.a and no one has a low milege 80e...this 6l90e has 18 k miles
4.56's and the 6 speed will be great if you can hook.