Help me diagnose this..
hey guys
for a few months now, ive been trying to figure this out.
i floor it from a stop.. and i can feel clunkclucnklucnklucnk.. i let off the gas.. dont feel it.. floor it.. comes back.
If drive 'normal'.. i feel nothing
i had an alignment done , hoping theyd find something.. they just found a bad wheel bearing.. had that replaced..
problem still exists.. im thinkin the front diff (carrier) is haivng issues and needs to be replaced...
sounds like maybe spring wrapup in the rear end, maybe ujoint binding.
what the solution to spring wrap up.. and which u joint would you start looking at?
Mike check your trans and engine mounts.
Definitely check the mounts and all ujoints. Its not the steering shaft is it?
dont think its the shaft as im not turning
no idea what truck you have cause i can't keep up with all you guys, but a worn out transfer case does this on hard acceleration.
the gears or something are worn out and it slips, catches, slips catches, the SS and Denali trucks experience this.
just replaced another one not too long ago.
u hear it clunk at the beginning.. when the camera goes all sideways, i was wot around a cul de sac that was all snowy and it didnt happen.. but at the beginining, i was on snow by the curb
its a 2003 silverado ss AWD