4.8 to 6.0 question
i have a 4.8 now and im doing some small power adders. i bought this truck with the intention of one day doing the 6.0 swap to it. will most of your power adders like cold air, throttle bodies, LT headers and all swap over to the 6.0?
one other question. i have been told that because i have a 4.8 the 6.0 swap would be pretty easy (plug and play) with the addition of the proper tune and a module for the trans. is this correct?
You've heard correctly, it's all interchangable and the tune would need to be updated. :thumb: No need for a transmission module swap unless you go 80e, a segment swap in the PCM has to be done. 85e is more involved.
Can't tell from your pic, if you have the NNBS the 80e swap is possible but I've been fighting bugs in my tune due to it. If you go to a Transgo HD3 kit all the issues may be gone forever.
thanx. your always huge help.
Just be sure to post up when you decide to update and let us know your plans, we may be able to save you a ton of $$$$ and headaches from bad combinations.
strange to ask now since it's kinda far off but where is a good place to look for a 6.0 to go in my NNBS? where basically everything from he ac to... it all will bolt up.