411 Swap Issues
Hey Guys, This is my first post here but it seems that this site has the most info on these 411 swaps. I do alot of custom tuning with EFI live but this is the first swap I have done.
A customer asked me if I could put a OS into his new 411PCM that he had swapped into his truck. I did some research on here and found out that what was needed from me (Vats/Alt Cods/Egr stuff) and figured it would be pretty straight forward (I have tuned many newer trucks).
I flashed a 02 Van 5.7L tune from holden crazy into the truck, did a CASE relearn and she fired right up... just barely. The idle was very low (400ish RPMs) and it would hunt alot due to what sounded like a misfiring cylinder.
Anyways I suggested he double check the injector pinouts and they all turned out to be fine. I then bumped up the idle a bit to compensate and allow the truck to idle on its own. I tried changing the amount of fuel at idle, and the timing but it did not change the rough idle.
When under acceleration the truck runs 100 percent, however the shifts are harsh (especially the 3-4 shift). I have tried to pull out some line pressure and increase the torque reductions but it refuses to listen to me.
I have tried to change every table related to the idle and have been unsuccessful. I am at a loss at what to do next if a tune up does not work.
By the way he claims the truck was running perfectly before he started the swap.
Has anyone had any similar issues right after a swap?
Thanks for your time...
What year and kind of truck are we talking about.
Sorry its a 96 5.7L with a 4L80E....
Did you rewire the EGR. The 96 and 97 EGR will go to full open if it is not wired like the 0411 wants.
I did not do the pin out... I simply showed up when he was done and flashed in the OS with EFI Live. However I do remember him saying that the EGR wire was not connect yet. Would this cause it to run like this? I guess if the EGR is stuck open its going to run like crap at a low RPM due to the insufficient fresh air flow...
Hey Mitch,
If he knows about the EGR wiring, then he knows he didn't follow the directions. Tell him to wire it properly and quit wasting your time.
Little harsh... haha, but I will let him know. Its my first 411 swap and now ill know what to look for if/when I do another one.
Thanks for your help Jeff, I appreciate it. Its nice to know that it was not a mistake on my part (I feel pretty comfortable with EFI Live and I did everything I could to try and get the truck to perform as I wanted).