Lifter Noise??
S6301642.flv video by tara72689 - Photobucket
Recently put in a 229/229 .638/.640 114.5lsa cam in the motor for gigglez. Wanted a good top end Screamer. The First vid^ is when the motor is first cranked before it is warmed up. Sounds decent aside from the idle rpm is way high being its untuned
S6301644.flv video by tara72689 - Photobucket
^ this is what the truck sounds like after a few minutes. Once the oil thins out from heat maybe?? Sounds like a lifter to me gone BADDDD. I have checked plug, plug wire, rechecked torque on the rocker arms, etc. It sounds bad enough to cause motor issues to me. Its only on the drivers side and if I drive the truck for awhile it will quite down a LIL bit and even to the point it will be silent at idle. But will start making noise at 2k plus... ANY ideas?? How harmful is what Im hearing? Opinions?
Have you checked piston to valve clearance with that cam? I'd start there first... doesn't sound good.
^^^^ my thoughts exactly.....
Stock lifters? and what size pushrods?
What springs do you have? Sounds like the valves are banging on the pisons to me!!
This cam was put in a stock 5.3L... with stock pistons? I take it the springs are good to .650 also? Not that it matters, after paying closer attention to your setup... I'd go with my first guess as to PTV slap.
that does sound liek valves hitting
definitely sounds like the rocker arms are hitting the valve covers. Locate/borrow a bore scope and pull a few spark plugs, look for dings in the piston tops from the valves. Pull the valve covers and look for traces of the rocker arms hitting them. My .610 lift cam hits the rockers on the valve covers so that has got to be pounding it if you've got aftermarket rockers, for sure.
Alright guys. Here is the skinny. I have no idea what a bore scope is haha. BUT yes I firmly believe it is PTV issues at this point. Talked to Virgil a bit after he heard this. IT was a possibility from the beginning. I knew that. And ding ding ding truck guys from this site and also QST win the experiment. Thunder Racing claimed this cam would have NO ptv issues. It was listed as a 227 xtreme. The specs I listed were directly off the cam sheet though. I asked 2 sales people. After asking qst memebers and members from this site what their opinions of the cam specs were and TOLD it could most likely experience PTV problems.I had thunder racing ask others around (told the ones that work on them were asked)if it was going to happen. It was a FIRM no. I needed to not worry about it. Kind of a "who you going to believe, we deal with these motors everyday. Its our job. This was the cam for you." According to them. Even after I made clear this motor is a 5.3. LM7. It only has a 59cc head on it. SO plan is I call them Thursday. See what they have to say for themselves. Ill keep you posted. Either way at this point. The heads haft to come off. Valves will be beat to crap and piston will be useless. If thunder racing says Im on my own cause they didnt write down they said it.... welp Ill prob go find a core lq9, Have it sent off ,rebuilt, Run some decent heads on it with the exact cam that caused this problem. Its the cheapest route I can come up with while staying somewhat on schedule aside from not getting to race at SAR. Ill check the PTV clearence myself this time instead of taking a large company's word....