Need Help
Hello, I'm new to LS1 Truck and need some help. I'm building a pro street 1986 full size chevy pickup. I'm wanting to put a 6.0 liter LQ4 or similar engine in it. I would like to make head and cam swap hoping to get around 550 horses at the flywheel. I currently have a built TH 350 with 3600 stall. I have tubed the truck and have four link setup with Ford 9 inch with 3.70 gears. I'm needing any info I can get regarding which engine to pick, what heads and cam to use, use factory fuel injection and intake, computer and motor mount concerns. As you can see I'm green to this engine and need some expertise. I'm use to a SBC and carb. I have a lot to learn about this newer technology. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
This is Ls1TRUCK - Ls1 Tech is a different site.....lol but there is alot of help here.
Welcome :wave:
You may get 550 HP at the crank but getting that much power at the tire will require some kind of power adder like turbo or supercharger. If you get that much power from engine only it won't be much of a driver and will require race fuel for the higher compression.
go to HKE racing engines and get a forged 408, put a set of Stage III LS6 heads from patriot on there, and get them to sell you a custom grind cam, with nasty duration and big lobes. after that the fuel injection vs carburated argument is easy to get through.
and if you want to, you can get a 250 shot and spray the piss out of it
I hope he has better luck with them than I did. My engine is out for its 4th crankshaft rebuild. :nutz:
poor greg you really have had some rotten luck with them. i'm getting my engine vatte cleaned, and new cam bearings, luckily the guy thats putting the cam bearings in is going to pull each one and check the size to make absolutely sure that he gets the right ones
the guy taking care of the crankshaft is getting my new bearing set for me, too. He checks them for straightness on a granite plate with a Starrett .0001" resolution dial indicator. :rock:
He also noticed the cam bearings in the block are factory split style bearings rather than the quality aftermarket ones that were supposed to be in there.
Were the cam bearing cashed as we surmised?
don't know for sure but they were not the Durabond bearings they were supposed to be, they were stock puzzle piece (rolled) bearings.