my 95 chevy tahoe 4X4
Hello im in the process off doing my swap and still have some questions... my vehicle is a 1995 Chevy tahoe with a 5.7 tbi... Donor vehicle is a 2002 Gmc Denalli 6.0 Im getting motor trans wires harness computer. what starter,alternator,do i use.... my tahoe has a 4l60e...denalli has the same but its all wheel drive...I already called nelson performance about the wiring hareness im gonna send mines to them...i allready took motor out 5.7 tbi..... waiting on a tranny jack from my buddy.. i think my tranny might b bad thats y im getting 1.. wont shift out of 2nd could off been a timing issue but dont wanna pass up this deal... original idea was to get a 5.3......im ordering brackets on ebay to set motor back 1 inch so i can use original driveshaft... sorry for all the questions ive been reading allot.... thanks in advance ill post some pics as i get on the way hoping to do full restore...
sounds like you are aon the right track. i think the output shafts are the same on the trannys so just take your transfer case off of the 95 and put it on the 02 tranny and put it in the truck.
as far as the alt and starter use the one from the 02.
Cool deal! Love those OBS 2 dr Tahoes. And a 6.0L will be fun in one!
98 4x4 burban pretty much has it nailed. I wouldn't order motor mounts yet. Get the motor bolted up to the tranny and set it in. Get drive line hooked up, and while motor/tranny is still on the cherry picker, measure and mock up motor mounts.
Isn't the 4l60e in the Tahoe and Denali the same??? As in tailhousing and output shaft?