I assumed it was vacuum related, but haven't found anything. It idles high and surges on occasion. Ideas?
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I assumed it was vacuum related, but haven't found anything. It idles high and surges on occasion. Ideas?
MAF sensor
Vacum leak, intake gaskets, intake cracked, fuel?
Theyre known for intake warpage and gaskets ,I had one ,but i was throwing a code . check all connections.
true you may need to replace the intake gaskets buddy, really need Louis to check the tune out also
Dirty IAC, dirty throttle body, vacuum leaks as mentioned.
Squirel in the intake.
the surge could be from the TPS sensor not reading properly...It could be bouncing from 0-5% and causing it to surge. You got anyone handy with HPtuners to plug it in and check it, or a scan tool..
Your pot stash catch on fire? That might be the cause of your "High Idle" :laugh:
what about 02s? Definitely have Virgil hook up to it and see what the sensors are putting to the PCM.