new and nedhep
i'm mike,38 and am building a 2500 seris 2000 chevy.it has a tired 350 in it and just bought a 5.3 and trans with a 5 wire setup.i ordered the mounts on ebay 2 hours ago.i need 2 figure out how to make my speeo work and would like 2 make the cruise also work.
allen or jon could probably help you with that. they got my cruise working perfectly.
We did a swap like this a while back, but the 7.4L was replaced.
The install is easy.
From the pcm, take the vss signal and take it straight to the speedo signal wire, same with the tach.
Use your old oil pressure sensor and install it on the block, then take the signal wire to the gauge.
The volt gauge will work on its own.
So will the gas gauge.
The temp gauge, you need a three wire temp sensor from a '98 camaro ls1, or use the other head hole for another temp gauge.
The cruise is easy, tap into the vss wire and feed the cruise control box the vss feed, it'll work.
good luck,
nice user name.....:lol: youll be know as PERMANEWB welcome
Welcome where in Arky you located?
Welcome! NP is the place to go for all of your swap's needs.
welcome. man Allen you are just busting out the knowledge. ive got to come back out there one of these days.