5.3 manual trans swap
I am looking into options of putting a manual trans behind a 02 5.3 vortec motor. The truck is a 51 Chevy 3100 on a S10 frame. Also carburated the engine so I dont have to worry about a computer. I am going to try using the stock seat and I have read about guys using a t56 just dont know wear the shifter location would be. Do they make a mechanical speedometer adapter to work with the stock guages?
i had a tko 600 with the mid shift location in my truck. its very strong, worked well. had provisions for both mech. and electrical outputs. t56 is probably a better shifting tranny, but more expensive.
the t-56 trans shifter was 8 inches farther back than my stock trans, my t-56 cost me 1350, clutch kit was 450, new shifter was 140, upgraded slave cylinder was 130, probably close to 2 grand invested in the trans alone but its the funnest damn tranny ive ever shifted. i vote t-56! you wont regret it. make sure its off an LS1 though or the bellhousing wont mate to the LSX block.
I agree with everything above.
You can also pick up a shifter relocation kit from keisler auto, which moves the shifter to within about an inch of the factory 5 speed location that would have come with a sbc.
The keisler kit allowed me to use the factory tunnel hole in the floor of my 92 swb truck using the T56.
The nice thing about the T56 is that you can run an unusually low gear, and still not spin the engine much at high speed on the highway...and they shift great.:thumb:
2000 rpm at a little over 70mph with 4.56 gears and 295/45 R18 tires.
hey pat!! where you been buddy!!!!????
19 month old twins.
just bought a small farm with 34 horses to take care of, while working full time.
nother little girl due to be born in July
Life is good.
I'm still here, just haven't had time to post much. Hopefully by mid to late summer I will have a big shop built so I will have a place to work on my next truck projects.
...don't mean to hijack anything here.
As far a trannies go, the tko 600 or similar may be the most cost effective option in the end, as you will have more shifter location options.
Tremecs website has all the measurements of their transmissions including the T56 so that may help you decide which transmission to go with.
The TKO and the T56 are durable transmissions IMHO.
Good luck
awesome man, congrats!!!! good to see your still alive and kicking.
and id definitely agree with Pat, the T-56 is an awesome transmission IMO. seems pretty durable too.