1993 Silverado 5.3 Swap questions
Hey guys
Well i have started swaping a 06 5.3 into my 1993 silverado i got all the parts you guys told me to get. Well i got the tranny bolted to the engine and now and i just noticed the flywheel(1999-2000) bolt holes dont aline up with the torque converter.
I was told to used a 1999-2000 6.0L flywheel to be able to use my stock transmission?? Could any one help me out? was i suppose to used a stock 5.3 flywheel?? Im really trying to solve this problem today!!
Thanks Brandon
P.S. When i was buying the flywheel they told me it was for an 2007 but its the same part number as a 1999-2000 flywheel is this correct?