:hshake: Hello my name is TommyT.
I live in Lapote, Texas.
I own an '01 Silverado and an '04 Tahoe. Both have 5.3's and are automatics.
The Tahoe has 20"MbMotoring Precise Rims, a K&N filter and Hypertech Programmer Tunning (for 87 octane, gas prices).
The silverado has only a K&N FIPK II and a descreened stock MAS.
The silverado will recieve more mods than the Tahoe becaues the truck is mine and tahoe is my wifes. I have only dabled in hotrodding. I've never really had the cash to do any serious mods to my cars/trucks. Maybe at this point in my life I'll be able to do some really fun mods other than just a chip, exhaust, or filters.
I'm 34 with two step sons that take alot of time, effort, and MONEY to raise, so upgrades will happen slowly. Maybe I'll win the 104+ Octane contest and get to spend 10 grand on my truck engine.
Thanks for reading my brief history and I already thoroughly enjoy reading all of the posts here. you guys are all helpful and informative as well as entertaining.
TommyT :hshake:
welcome to the site Tommy :smile:
let me know if ya need help with anything.
I'm sure we could get it running, just depends on what you want to do :thumb:
:laugh: Welcome to the party!
Welcome! Take your time with mods, this is suposed to be fun. Ask lots of questons, there are many others who have probally done what you are planning/thinking about and they can tell you if the result is worth it before you spend your money. There are alot of "free" mods that you can do to increase HP too so you don't have to spend a bundle to have fun.
Welcome :wave: and don't worry you'll get there...Zed :thumb:
Welcome :burnout: You have picked a good site for info and good people.
take you time and spend your money wisely and you will have a sweet ride.
Im certainly not rich, have family to support and child support to pay of 1000.00 per month and am steadily modding the truck. You can also find some good deals on this site.
I had wanted a 4.10 gear and put a request in on the parts wanted and one of the guys gave me one. Great to have you
Got them gears installed yet? Need to update your sig if you do. I changed from 3.08s to 4.10s and WOW!!!! what a difference!!!!
Welcome Tommy. Is that LaPorte? You can edit your postings if you find you missed something. I have to do that all the time.....LOL
Yes, Laporte, Texas. About 30min east of Houston.
I am on the west side but a bunch of the members are on the east side. I was in LaPorte on Friday. Do you work on the east side?