quick pcm question
Hey guys quick pcm question, im wanting to get my wireing harness made by nelson and was wondering do i need to use both the 1996 pcm and the lq9 pcm or can i just use the stock pcm ?
Thanks Tye
P.S. Im really new to this whole thing so i may be confusing
you'll use the pcm for the lq9, most likely the 411 PCM will be just fine.
im guessing the 411 pcm is the lq9's pcm?
Thanks melissa
what is the Lq9?
411 used for mechnical TB
it was the 6.0 that was produced after 2002 if im correct, the lq9 has a drive by wire throttle body as well as aluminum heads and a lq4 has a drive by cable throttle body as well as iron heads and a different compression and weaker internals. Someone correct me if im wrong lol
i think ive figured it out. is a 411 pcm the pcm from 2002 and later lsx motors ?
LQ4's only have iron heads in 99-00. They do have less compression (half a point) and weaker (by high standards) rod bolts up until the mid-oughts as well dished pistons (whereas the compression on an LQ9 comes from flattops). I'm pretty sure the LQ9 came out in 2002 Escalades. Pretty much all LQ4's AND LQ9's 2003+ are DBW. Most "older than 2003" 6.0's of either type are the old style DBW if found in a utility (Denali or Escalade). The 2500 6.0 truck up to 2002 usually have DBC.
okay thanks for clearing that up, i had the gest of it lol