Noob from Cincinati OH
Names Dan, Im from Cincinnati and im fairly new to the whole truck thing. I used to drive little hondas and always got crap from my brother and his ram air trans-am. So i picked up my silverado from the lot i worked on. Ive grown up around cars with my father being a A.S.E. master tech so I have a general understanding of engines and what not but I also realize i have tons more to learn. Ive been lovin my truck since i got it a few months back and i look foward to learning whatever i can from people on here and having some more fun with my truck.
Ok so its lookin like my sig picture is too big, if so somebody let me know soi can change it. Thanks
Well even being big people wont haft to ask for pics. Welcome to the site. What ya have on the list next?
Well i had a parts list compiled for the truck, a "wish"list i guess you could call it since not only am i looking for work right now i recently had an incident with a tree that from what ive been told is about $5,500 worth of damage. Wouldnt be a big deal but insurance did not cover it. Ill post more pictures of the bad side of the truck soon as i can. As far as the parts list it was pretty much just the bolt-ons, ie throttle body, plugs, plug wires, some kind of ignition upgrade, was gonna go with some type of programmer but decided a custom tune would be better. Eaton posi, torque converter (not sure which to go with) Im still tryin to figure out the differences in the different stalls like 2800 or 3500 or whatever. Jet shift kit, electric fan and i cant remember what else id have to find my list. Dream wishlist includes heads, cam, ls6 intake and sooner or later some boost after i can afford to rebuild the bottom end. But thats all when i can fall into a mountain of cash :ma:
Welcome to the site! +1 on the custom tune...
Welcome! Get that thing fixed and try and stay away from trees!
Well, if your dad is a cert mechanic, then he should know the LS motors. They are super easy to work on and respond well to mods.
Let us know when you are in line for some more mods to that thing...