Throttle Body?
I am in the middle of a 6.0 conversion into an 88 silverado and I have a 2003 LQ9 motor. Of course it's drive by wire, but I was wondering if anybody knew where or someone I could get a cable throttle body from for a good price? I am eventually gonna do an lS6 cam, intake, and probably a t66 or so turbo kit. Any help would be appreciated.
My first guess would be a local wrecker, might be the cheapest. Then there's eBay, buddies, etc. You'll find one eventually
I am doing a 5.3L into an 88. What are you doing for wiring? Getting a harness? Wiring it yourself? I am wiring mine myself, but am still searching for a wire connect explanation. I am sure someone has done it, would be awesome if they posted some sort of guide.
yea im doing the same swap also... 5.3 into an 88.i think i might do a nelson harness, but i seen some places that sell them for $350
I am gonna use a factory harness from a 2001 GMC Sierra 2500HD and just piggyback all the guages and essential wiring into the harness and the PCM. If you guys have any questions I can help with just ask. Im doing it the hard way. lol.
a motor doesnt know what type of TB it has on it. so yes you can run a normal TB
Just make sure you use a 02 or older wiring harness and PCM so it has has the drivers for the air idle motor and you will be fine with a cable throttle body. I put a 04 5.3 with dbw tb in my dads 72 4x4 and had to find a throttle pedal and TAC module to make it all work.
sorry to thread jack, but if you went with a lq9 and switched the throttle body to a drive by cable and told nelson performance for instance, would they be able to make a plug and play unit
The Nelson guys from what I've heard can make pretty much anything you want and make it easy to use. I am going custom and making a lot of the harness and adapters myself. The wiring shouldn't be too hard if you have a pretty descent knowledge of doing wiring. I am a GM tech and have a pretty good knowledge of the stuff. But yeah, give them a call or email and I'm sure that they can tell you anything you need to know.
Yes I am going to use a 2001 GMC Sierra 2500 harness and make it a cable drive throttle body. If anyone has any ideas, let me know.
y not just get the drive by wire pedal