I'm looking into a freer flowing exhaust as I still have the manifolds and stock 5.3 ypipe. I know it's chocking the crap out of my motor so i'm looking for recommendations. Thanks!:)
I'm looking into a freer flowing exhaust as I still have the manifolds and stock 5.3 ypipe. I know it's chocking the crap out of my motor so i'm looking for recommendations. Thanks!:)
Long tube headers to start.
I guess I should've put this in my first post. I've had my eyes on those LPP headers with their y pipe, do you guys think that coupled with a 3" exhaust would flow well enough for the 6.0?
use your Y pipe!! setup will be fine
Wait a week or two. I beleive another member is putting the lpp headers on a NBS. A question was raised on if there are clearence issues. What mufflers do you plan on running?
I can't recall the brand of muffler, it's some sort of flowmaster knockoff i've had on there for a while. It's 3" from the y pipe back though. Hopefully they fit good, they sure are pretty!