new guy from decatur
whatsup guys. im kinda new to the whole forum idea so be patient with me. im rebuilding my 89 chevy. the guys at fullsizechevy.com turned me onto this sight. im wanting to install a 6L in my truck so ill prolly be post ALOT of questions lol. ive got a 99 2500 doner vehical. ive read alot of post a yall really seem to know whats going on. id like to have it ready for your next meet and see what it can do thanks.
welcome to ls1truck!!! that 6.0 out that 99 has steel heads correct? which will have the longer crank!! did you get the tranny also ?
yeah but its a 5 speed with a transfer.
Welcome to the site....im kinda close to ya.....
The land of 287...LOL...or highway 51 if you wanna make the trip up here....
Welcome! Oh man...a 99 6.0L? Eh, if it was me, I would get an 01 or newer engine. Or an 06 LQ9. Yeah, yeah--LQ9!!!