Picking the right cam?
I have a 02 chevy 2500 hd cc/sb with a 6.0l. I have a nelson tune, cai, flowmaster. I am very happy with the truck for what i have done to it so far. It gets 16+ on the highway in which I am very happy with. It has pulled my enclosed snowmobile trailer very well but, I now have a good sized fifth wheel trailer in which it brings the ole' 6L to her knee's. I am thinking of putting a cam in. What would be my best option. Thanks
It all depends on how big you want to go! If your concerned with gas mileage and tow-ability, it might be necessary to go with a somewhat mild cam. Dont forget youll might want to get a bigger stall after the cam goes in!
Towability and gas milege are a big concern. Also interested on some input on a converter also. I put 30,000 miles a year also.
How do you want it to lope? agressive, stock, Mild?
I heard the Vinci 062s are good
a friend is running a comp 212/218 (Not sure on lift) 115 LSA on his truck and performs excellent
an overall decent cam a lot of people run is like a
220/222 .581 .581 114 LSA and a 2600 or 2800 Stall is plenty good for that
Id PM Damnyankee or Redheartbeat before you take my advice aha :spit:
Get a supercharger or turbo. You want power, you get it. :thumb:
Go here : CamQuest 6 -FREE Download from COMP Cams and DL Comp Cam's CAMQUEST , nice piece of software .
Gives a nice description of cam and what it does for the engine .