Big mistake
So in a rush to get my engine swap done I made a HUGE! mistake. I accedentally cut out my neutral safety switch wiring harness and removed the wiring before I had realised what I had done. Can anyone help me out with the wiring for this. Where the wiring for both connectors go. PLEASE!
Thanks ahead of time.
Piece Of Cake!
We'll let Lance(NITROUS) tell you how its done. lol:ugh2:
Hopefully chimes in soon... And hopefully easy :(
Let me get to the house tonight and see what I can do to help you. Alldata doesn't have very good diagrams and I'll look in the dealer manuals. I know the purple wire goes to the "crank" fuse on one side and the wire on the other side of the fuse is yellow. I don't believe any of the N/S switch go through the pcm, they go through the C100 connector on the firewall. Give me the wire colors just to make sure there isn't some sort of difference. There should be a purple wire and a grey wire for the switch itself and I can't remember what the indicator wires colors are off hand. Did you remove the wires completely from the C100 or did you leave some length on them.
I left some wiring behind just incase of this situation or later on down the line i needed to tap into one of the wires. I left the harness at work so i'm not 100% on what colours where there but theres the 2 connectors.
Yes, one connector goes to the switch itself and the other goes to the lights in the cluster. I'll have the wire colors at the house and try to reply back tonight or first thing in the morning for you.
Thank you very much I appreciate the help!
Hang tight bro, my computer crashed last night with the blue fatal error screen. I just got back up and running so I can spend a little time on your wiring now.
Thats ok, hope your computers back up and running alright for you
Thanks, I'm fixing to get your stuff together right now. It might take me a little bit to get the info together though. Sit back and drink a beer or Red Bull.