newb from lil rhody (RI)
well i gotta 05' ECSB sierra Z71 5.3 with a few bolt-ons and a OSP tune (ocean state performance). I was told to come here to find out bout throwin a bag kit on my 4x4 on performancetrucks.net. Im very interested in havin bags on my truck so I look forward to all the help i can get! Thanks-
Welcome to the site! Good to have ya...all the way from RI. I think the DFW area is bigger than RI... Got any more info or pics of the truck? Anyway, with your bagged setup, are you wanting to drop the whole truck or use it to aid in towing to raise the truck up, or to raise is up when offroading? Tell us more...
Welcome! This is the place to get info!
welcome to the site. i'm from ct here ,so not that far.
Welcome to the site! Good to have ya'