Whats up guys. I just came across this site the other day and deciced to join. How many other TBSS owners on here?
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Whats up guys. I just came across this site the other day and deciced to join. How many other TBSS owners on here?
Welcome to LS1truck! Good to have ya--even though you drive a soccer-mom mobile! LOL...
We have several members who run TBSS's. Dayum, you have a forged 7.0L in there???? SHHHIIIIIIT man. And it looks like you have all of the supporting mods to go with it. You have the L92 CNC'd by WCCH? And what is this custom gring cam? I was at battle with another member on your same setup for specifying a cam, but with a 418 vs. your 427. Your advantage is the 4.125" bore. It worked better with the CNC'd L92s...
welcome to the site!
I love soccer M.I.L...I mean mom's:D. My heads are Tune Time's profile which is done by Richard @ WCCH. My cam is 23x/24x .59x/.61x 112 LSA (gotta keep some things a secret. I'm actually thinking of raising the compression ( 10:6.1 ) on the heads or possibly changing to LS7's w/ ported LS7 manifold or aftermarket cathedral style castings w/ a ported FAST 92.
welcome to ls1truck jerzbad, yep theres a few tbss owners here!!!
Welcome to the site! We all know TBSS are slow :spit:
LOL, how come all you TBSS guys who have done an LSx swap never hand out the specific cam specs??? I know it is hard to get the exact cam spec'd for the L76/L92 combo and your motor's bore size/motor displacement... But come on--word is going to get out eventually! But with you running that block with your supporting bolt ons, I think your lift numbers are slightly lower--but your duration numbers look pretty good. Please don't do the LS7 heads--they are good and all and have been proven to flow great out of the box, but I would go with with either the decked L92s and Fast 92 when it comes out or go with the aftermarket cathedral style...cause we all know they flow better with the L76 intake.
Welcome to the site!
welcome to the site