Hey just checking in. Also dos anyone know who has a black ext cab chevy with a cutout and z06cam in Austin up north around 183 and anderson mill. Just trying to find out all of his mods.
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Hey just checking in. Also dos anyone know who has a black ext cab chevy with a cutout and z06cam in Austin up north around 183 and anderson mill. Just trying to find out all of his mods.
welcome to the site! you up north? Im over here in south austin
welcome to the site, nice truck
I think your talking about me and no i dont have a cam... I raced the turbo miata earlier and pulled him preety good. I have Intake, Single chamber muffler, and a tune. Thats it. I told him i had a z06 cam so he didnt feel bad. N20 goes in tomarrow when i get it delivered.
nice jeff. :D
hey welcome to the site, im in round rock
Welcome to the site Z71LSX! A bunch of fats tucks down there in Austin--but I wouldn't call Jeff's truck fast... :)
Anyway--list of mods? Pics? Are those Hella lights on the front?
whats a fats tucks?
Shut it Dave...I have a small case of jittery fingers...
Oh yeah welcome to the site, if this is the guy in the miata... hi... and Tyler why you hatin? My truck may not be able to beat yours... YET. but that doesnt mean im not fast. You hurt my feelers :cry:
Oh Jeff...you want me to give you a tissue??? Poor baby has his feelings hurt... :LOL:
So you think a 150 shot will make you fast??? Hahahaha... J/K man! Keep us informed on when the NOS goes in...