L92 in 84 swb
I've found an l92 with accessories, ecm, harness, and 6l80e tranny with transfercase and I want to put in in my truck. What am I getting myself into as far as getting the oil pan to fit, motor mounts, hooking up my a/c to the new compressor, 2wd tail housing in place of the transfer case, wiring harness modification, and making my fuel system work. Also what would be a fair price for this setup.
Converting the 4wd to 2wd may be expensive being as new as the 6L80e to the world. The 6L80e will be pricey IMO. I'd like to try one of the L92 conversions but if your truck is 2wd the 4wd setup will be counterproductive to your success. If I were to guess I would think about 5k for the complete drivetrain, harness and PCM. Not sure about the a/c but I've always done the Street and Performance High Right Side a/c conversion, about $1000 extra with installation.
*strangles self* $1,000 for that high side a/c? I'm moving to..Wisconsin.:D
Its about $750 if you do it yourself.
crapdoozies....Got any ideas on how to machine some brackets? If not i shall address it when i get there. The one piece steel motor mount/adapter brackets are underway as i speak...
in the pictures it looks like the transfer case has just taken the place of the trans tail housing it might be an easy fix as long as I can find a 2wd tail housing and sell the transfer case. maybe
As for your fuel system, i would guess you can make it work by taking it out of the truck and placing it under a rug. You will need like 60psi -ish, usually from an intake fuel pump..or fuel cell and biggol in-line pump. And new hoses to take that high pressure.
I guess you really never know until you try. Wors comes to worst you can sell the transmission and transfer case and just use a 4L80e or buy a 2wd version 6L80E.
Yeah, fuel system will require good quality hoses or tubing. Theres a few guys on here with pre-88 trucks that can help you out with the fuel system for the L92. It probably is a single line, returnless fuel rail. It will be similar to all Fbody conversions if that is true.
make your own brackets or mod the ones you can buy
these i made, heres what you would modify to fit
and you need an 03+ a/c comp, and matching lines and notch the frame rail a tad.... like so:
extra 750 for a/c nahh, im good... but with the ls1 bracketry i dont think its possible. maybe this combo would work:
ls1 intake + 07 waterpump + stock 5.3 accessores. the 07's have a different angle on the water neck and doesnt hit the TB.