Dtc P2761
Any body have info or a trouble shoot list on this code, I can find very very little, some lists dont even mention it. TCC controler 1 circut open.
I have checked the brake switch wire and that checks good.
12v with key on and off with brake applied.
Possibly related?????????
Also have a noise at opperating temp. no noise when cold.
loudest under vehical thru bellhousing inspection hole.
A small rpm increase from idle 2-300 rpms makes the noise about 4 times faster than if it followed the increase. goes away at about 2400.( close to stall speed.
Things point towards the converter but I don't that much about them.
TCC code,
noise at temp
no noise at stall speed.
loudest at Bhouse Insp. hole
Both problems started after around the same time as the shifting problem I was having after disconnecting the MAF for diag of a different problem.
My next step, olny because I know no other is to unbolt the tconverter and see if the noise goes away, Drop the pan and look for something obvious.
TTThanks in advance for the help.
I will scan the info that you need for this tommorrow.
Ok thanks I'll be looking for it.
Need Help!
My truck is actualy forcing me to awnser "YES" to the STEP 2 of the information you gave out...
Whats IS IT???!! I am new to this, Understand at 50% exactly the following steps...
My scan tool is giving me P2761, P0753, P0758, P0740, P0785
SO I guess I'll go to step 3
Inspect the IGN 0 Fuse for an open
whats does this mean exactly...just check the fuses? and follow the steps..??
Yah!!! So I am liking this reasearch, I hope you (foggy) dont die tonight because you will help me resolve this problem, I booked for the garage on Dec. 21st. but will like to find the problem before it gets there...
I am stuck at step 3, I don't have the page 8-910, so I cant really say yes or no!!!
will give you a cookie :)