:whack: I've been beating my head against the wall on this problem. Here's what I know so far ............. starting up the LS1, it idles way too slow below 300 rpms. Took out the IAC (idle air control) and it's too far out, pushed it back in to stop. Turned key to on and rubber cap goes out about 1/4" and stops. Pushed rubber all the way back in before reinstalling it. Put back on engine, startup and idles great, about 500 rpms. Kill engine, wait 10 sec. and restart, back to old slow problem. Take back out IAC and push bubber cap all the way in. Turn key to on and rubber goes out 1/4" and stops, turn key off wait 10 sec. turn key to on rubber goes out 1/2"more, which closes off the IAC hole to allow the engine to idle faster, like it's choking the engine down ( and sounds like it too). Replaced the IAC with new one and it does same thing, down the drain $90.00. Anyone have any sugestions or fixes ??? The problem does not effect anything at fast speeds. :help: