Step 33. Remove 3 15mm bolts holding the flex plate and torque converter together. Use the hole you made with removing the starter.
Step 34. Remove all of the Tranny bolts you can. Here is where it gets fun. Trans should have 8 (see pic below with the blue tape next to the holes). The bottom 5 aren't a problem. I didn't really want to take the intake off, so here is what I did, probably more effort than it was worth, but another option if you don't want to pop the intake off.
Step 35. Loosen all the tranny bolts you can. On the trans there is a bracket on the driver's side that hold some trans lines. Unhook that so the lines have a little give. Drop the back of the trans by dropping the trans cross member. Taking out the passenger fender well allows you to the top three bolts. They have 13mm nuts on top holding various brackets. If you get the one holding the trans dip stick first (2 o'clock), you can pop the trans dipstick out of the way and get the very top one. Ratcheting wrenches work wonders in this case. The left top one can be had with a long extension.

Step 36. Once you get the bolts loose (remember, you still have the bottom five threaded in partially) I would take those top three PITA's out. Then bring the trans back up and secure the cross member.
Step 37. Now the motor mount bolts. 3-15mm bolts on each side, don't try to remove the engine until you take those loose.
Step 38. Now I would secure the front of the trans for when you pull the engine.
Step 39. Now for the grounds. I had a total of three ground connection points, with 5 total wires.
a. There are two wires at one point on the lower driver's side, just above the oil pan.
b. There are two more wires (one from the main ground near the booster housing and one from the wiring harness) that are connected right below the intake at 11 o'clock on the same face the trans mounts to. This is to the left of my hand in the 2nd picture. This is from my donor engine, so one of the wires are cut.
c. And one wire from the harness connected to a ground bolt right next to the passenger head on the same plane as the intake. This is also shown in the 2nd picture. It's the top right bolt with the skinny wire coming off of it.
Step 40. Now you can either take the hood off or move it to its service position. There are two sets of bolt holes where the springs attach to the hood. The ones closest to the front of the hood are where the springs normally attach, and the set further back is called the "service position". If you remove the bolts and reattach the springs to the rear holes, the hood will stand almost vertically, and will be out of the way.

Step 41. I would try and bunjee the harness out of the way before you start pulling.

Step 42. Start pulling, slowly and watching for anything you or me either one forgot. I'm sure I missed something so take your time and post up if know a different way/shortcut.

Step 43. Pull the engine out and enjoy. Easier to swap stuff over here than with the one engine in the truck. Start drinking your beer now. I wouldn't advise doing it until now though. lol. May tear something up.

Always perform safe worker practices.

Some installation tips that I ran into/have been told:
- Dropping your engine and lining it up with the bell housing
Since the flex plate is mounted onto the back of the motor and it can be kind of difficult to get the flex plate in the bell housing while getting the motor mounts lined up with the frame the easiest way to get everything lined up is to put a floor jack under the transmission, and jack it up as high as it will go without crushing the pan. Then, drop the motor down into the truck and it should be much easier to get the flex plate in and the motor mounts where they need to be at the same time. Also, if you have the engine so it is slightly lower in the back than in the front, this will help. Again, probably only an issue if you leave the intake on.
- Returnless vs return style fuel rail
The return style will have a vaccuum line into the intake, but the 03+ intakes didn't have the return fuel rail. You'll just need to get a small hose, and snip off one of the nippes that GM left on the intake side. You can see it on the left side of the intake, just above the fuel line pressure relief valve that is on the crossover line.

- Plug in the crank position sensor before bolting the starter back up. Much easier to plug in before hand
- Make sure to put the trans cover bracket over the starter and then bolt the starter up. If you bolt the starter up first, you're going to be taking it down to put that bracket on.
- When reinstalling the flywheel onto the torque converter, up to 1/4" of gap seems to be acceptable before you bolt it up.
And here is the finished product

That's all I have, install in reverse. Hopefully that helps. Enjoy!
If you have any questions feel free to ask. You can find me on Pacific-Audio and as agreif. Plus there are way more people with way more knowledge there as well, so you won't be short on help
Here is a link to another quick little tech article on an Eaton install and LS1fan install.
Eaton Install
LS1 Fan Install