Getting the hang of this "My Garage" thing. Deleted old pics that were way too big, resized to a more Forum-friendly 640X480.
Brake job photos of my '02 Avalanche 1500 Z-71 4X4, just under 40K miles:
Putting my 13yo nephew to work, removing the rotor retaining clips from the wheel studs:
The outside of all 4 rotors looked like this, with good contact area. The contact surface is just rusty because the truck hasn't moved for about 90 days at this point.
The insides of THREE of the rotors looked like this. Only about 3/4cm contact area in the center of the pad, the tops and bottoms of the pads weren't contacting.
Pic of removed original LR caliper. Pad gone, what I'm holding is the shim which separated from the steel backing plate also. Note the pistons fully extended.....
....this is why. The trophy shot.LR rotor inside braking surface completely gone, and even ate halfway through the cooling vanes.
New LR assembled.
New RR assembled.
New LF assembled.
New RF assembled.
Final parts list:
Drilled/slotted rotors from iROTORS, Inc. - Brake Rotors, Pads, Lines, Big Brake Kits
NAPA Ultra Premium Ceramic front pads
Performance Friction Carbon-Metallic rear pads
O'Reilly's Parking Brake shoes
A1 Cardone stock replacement calipers (all 4)
eBay 2-stage epoxy caliper paint (calipers)
black caliper spray paint for brackets
StopTech 4-piece SS braided lines
Brakes still a bit soft under light braking. With medium or heavy braking however, it tries to make you kiss the windshield. Overall I'm pretty happy with my parts selection. I'll see how long these cheap eBay rotors last, and next time I'll put on the more tried-and-true Durastop drilled/slotted upgrade rotors.
Pic from the '09 Iowa/Nebraska Christmas blizzard: