Fellow Truck Lovers; I just completed restoration of my 53 Five Window Truck with GMPP ZZ4 Crate Engine with 700R4 Transmission, Repainted with Flames & Interior Redone. Now I am treading on new waters. I looked for used LS 5.3L & othe rLS Engines/Trans with everything, but low milage one could not be found at reasonable price, so I have now considered buying the new Cheverlet Performance LS 3 with Trans & computer wiring harnesses for Engine & transmission new, Connect & Cruise Package, Pricy a little over $10,000 not including accessories another approx $800 + other things. Looks like exhaust manifold might not fit as I would think rear exit is needed for my 89 Chevy Truck I have owned since new (300K). I do not know about oil pan? Going LS is new to me & any information/advice would be appreciated Everyone thiks I am crazy for putting this much inot a 89 Truck, but it is really in good shape, recently painted (good paint job). Guess I will drive until I croke. Thanks; Bob Wortham