47 Visitor Messages

  1. View Conversation
    Man my truck must have been super boring I can't find a video anywhere! There are trucks slow as hell but my 11.7 truck is nowhere to be found!
  2. damn spam, can't keep it from nowheres
  3. View Conversation
    You know you're jelly of my wagon!! It was the tune... the tune... tha tune... my tune LOL
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    Farmtruc, I recently insatlled the np harness in my blazer and fired it up for the first time. She crunk right up with no problems. I have a few questions though. Do I need to hook up a brake switch to the ls pcm for tcc. If so what pin on the ls pcm do i land it to. Also I had you tune for lt headers, how bad would it be if i ran stock manifolds.

    Derrick Smith
    aka cottontop11
  5. View Conversation
    Hey Allen,

    Have not been on in a while. How is the site going?
  6. View Conversation
    Hey Allen! I did an ls swap many years ago and you did the tune. Well, went to college, sold the truck, graduated, got a job, now i want to do another swap. You got any cheap 5.3 or 6.0 layin round?

    Now i have a 90 rcsb 350/5speed. Want 5.3 or 6.0/t56.
  7. View Conversation
    can you give me NP's phone number and address?
  8. View Conversation
    Hey Allen,
    Don Parker from NASA in Florida.I found someone to do the diagnostics on my truck that we emailed about. He is going to charge me 200-300 for it. Does that seem fair?I was wondering what CAI you recommend. I sent an email to NELSON TUNE from my work email
  9. View Conversation
    Cool... I'm thinking of doing a cam in the 224/226 range... My truck is a Manual Tranny and (in the end I plan on going T-56 or 4l80) I wo'nt have to do a stall, but are there other mods in conjunction with a cam (aside from CAI, Headers,) that you would suggest getting done? Also, can you give me NP's phone number and address?
  10. View Conversation
    Hey Allen, Where's your shop located, and is it possible to give you a list of all my mods and me just ship you my PCM?
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