Anyone ever heard of the Condensator? It’s an inline filter that fits between the PCV valve and the intake manifold. Apparently others have tinkered with PVC canisters with mixed results. I have a neighbor who put a Condensator on his older Suburban a few years back. I haven’t asked about it lately but at the time he put it on he said that his tach always sat on 23 at 70 mph. Coming home after the install it was just over 20. He also said that with the AC on, when sitting at a red light, the 350 would bog down when the compressor kicked on. Now he said there was no change. It seems like he thought he got about a 2 mpg increase for his fuel economy. Here are a few links if you are interested.
I'd be curious to know if anyone has had any experience with similar products.
Latest Tales Of The Condensator
The Condensator: Just a PCV Jar? - GasSavers