hey guys, i thought i posted this already but i guess the post didn't go thru, i'll have to bitch at the provider again.
Well, the 4.8L is out and the 6.0L with 224/224, 114 cam is in. The truck runs great. There is more noise coming from the engine and it's a little louder as far as the valvetrain , but that is normal. Kind of like a sewing machine running.haha
The truck has 20's on it, so that's not helping, but it's no slouch, it does have 4.10's. It will smoke that single tire forever, lol,
It really needs a posi and a built trans, it falls on it's face after it shifts so bad, that is slows down enuff to shift back into 1st. I want to save the trans for a while that's what I haven't tuned that out.
Speaking of tuning, you can't go to a 6.0L from a 4.8 without tuning, no way, the truck ran like shit, now it has a very slight shake from the cam, you hardly notice the cam.
The truck really comes alive on the highway, it really needs a stall also.
I definitely recommend the swap to anyone wanting more power.
btw, it was an LQ9 6.0L, cam, and slightly Nelson polished/ported heads.
I'm sure it's making over 400hp, we'll get it dynoed soon.