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Thread: TBSS intake swap: How to

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Mesquite, TX

    TBSS intake swap: How to

    Okay i finally did the TBSS intake swap on my truck and here is a how to if you would like to do this swap on yours also. The gains are supposed to be 15-20rwhp without losing the low end torque like when you go to an LS6...i also did a set of P & P 317 heads with the swap so i cant say what the gains are for sure...but anyways here you go and hope this is helpful to you.

    here is a stock truck intake and the TBSS intake side by side...the first mod you need to make is to the fuel rail crossover...notice the bend on the passenger side of the intake prevents the fuel rails from sitting all the way down

    well the way to solve this was to take the crossover off...really simple to do just unscrew the star head that holds it in the rail and it pops right out. I then took it to my buddy Taylor over at Dallas Performance and he suggested we weld a -6an fitting on it and put a steel braided line insted of the metal crossover and in doing this it would allow better flow to the other rail as well. So within a matter of 30 minutes he had it cut and welded for me and i was on my way

    So now the rails were able to sit all the way down. For the new crossover line i just went to Performance Auto Supply and grabbed a 14" -6an line and it fit great nice and tight. So the next problem was the space between the fuel rail tabs and where they bolt up to on the intake...there is about 3/4" of difference and they dont line up directly. So to fix the i just drilled the plastic tabs for the new holes and used some spacers along with a couple of washers and also had to get longer screws...believe they were 40mm, just picked them up at O'Reilys Auto Parts

    The next thing i had to decide is to run the 90mm throttle body or get the adapter plate and keep the 78mm stock one. Well i couldnt justify another $300 for a new 2 stage plate and the $215 wiring harness from Rush Perfomance because the 90mm has a different 6 pin plug and the 78mm has a 8 pin plug. So i choose the 78mm with the adapter plate, it bolts up rather easy to the TBSS manifold.
    In the pic you can see how it bolts up...throttle body...nitrous plate..then adapter plate...pay no attention to the wiring i didnt have a chance to loom it up yet

    The main problem i came across was the EVAP purge solenoid, the TBSS one sits inline and not in the intake like the trucks do, this is solved either by getting one from the TBSS or off an LS1 camaro, the plugs doesnt change. I choose to just cap it off and remove the code off the tune, some may not have that convienance or want to do that.
    If you have a fuel pressure regulator like on the 99-03 trucks all you need to do it get you some 1/4" vaccum line and there is a capped vaccum port on the passanger side of the intake, you break the nipple off with a pair of pliers and that problem is solved.
    All in all this looked harder then it turned out to be and this swap can be done in a matter of and hour or 2, i found it best to find someone that has a crossover laying around and have it modded before you start the swap.
    Any questions please ask.
    2006 silverado SS....Clifford Jr...turbo coming soon
    1970 Chevelle ly6 swap....d1 coming soon

  2. #2
    Slimsilverado Guest
    Damn the lots of crap Virgil..... So hows it feel with the new heads n intake on there?????

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    As far as that EVAP solenoid i just cliped that nipple off and drilled a 3/4 inch hole and stuck it in there with a fatter o-ring.This may be a better option for those who cant tune it out.Great write up by the way
    2008 Trailblazer SS 2wd red jewel 1ss
    Forged 365,Tvs1900@11psi,IW 8 rib overdrive,duel pass heat ex,Prc heads,blower cam,Yank,Aeromotive,ect

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    man i want to do this i have the intake at a buddys just wanted to know if its worth doing
    [SIGPIC]5.3 k&n cai ,asm lt, hf cats, aero turbine muffler, vhp 216/224-551/551-115lsa, tbss intake, ls2 90mm tb,tb bypass, comp double roller tc, hv oil pump, ls2 injectors,nelson tune, b&m super cooler, taylor 10.4mm wires, ngk tr55ix, 373 Detroit tru trac,

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Good job Virg. So how is everything?? I might just take Kurts when he is not looking

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Mesquite, TX
    Truck feels great i can definately feel the difference on the big end, but you guys must remember i just now ditched the stock muffler and put some p & p 317 heads on so so all in all we figure i just threw 40rwhp at it....i think the swap is worth it though!

    i had thought about drilling the intake for the evap but the more i thought about it the more i just said forget it, but thank you for adding that in there, definately a great way to solve that problem
    2006 silverado SS....Clifford Jr...turbo coming soon
    1970 Chevelle ly6 swap....d1 coming soon

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by ChevyLee View Post
    Good job Virg. So how is everything?? I might just take Kurts when he is not looking
    After you do a H/C swap maybe. I think you might lose to much down low and you need everything you can get to turn that 80e, since your "not ever going with a power adder".
    Quote Originally Posted by mean05 View Post
    Truck feels great i can definately feel the difference on the big end, but you guys must remember i just now ditched the stock muffler and put some p & p 317 heads on so so all in all we figure i just threw 40rwhp at it....i think the swap is worth it though!

    i had thought about drilling the intake for the evap but the more i thought about it the more i just said forget it, but thank you for adding that in there, definately a great way to solve that problem
    Good write up Virg. I would think this setup would benifit best with the type of mods Virgil has. Did you raise or lower the CR at all with the ported heads or are they untouched?
    Last edited by PurpleMinivan; 06-10-2008 at 09:26 AM.
    30' Ford Model A Tudor Sedan - Custom chassis - Big bore LS2 - twin B76's - Glide - 9" w/ 3.07 gears - 30" DR tire - 2k lbs cruiser

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Austin Tx.
    You should have gotten fancy virgil and grinded down all those lines on the top and made it nice and smoooth
    1951 3100
    1984 C10

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    DFW, TX
    fantastic little brother!!!!!!!!

    i can't wait to see that BIG RED DOG/TRUCK......tapping on 6's door if no just BLOWING right through it!!!!!!!!
    "old age and treachery will always overcome youth and ambition"
    author unknown

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Mesquite, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by DBTBSS View Post

    Good write up Virg. I would think this setup would benifit best with the type of mods Virgil has. Did you raise or lower the CR at all with the ported heads or are they untouched?
    the chambers were untouched but the heads have been decked so i am sure it bumped it up a little...the intake and exhaust runners were ported and they have manely valves...much past that im not sure...i need to get the link from Moze and go check out the specifics on them
    2006 silverado SS....Clifford Jr...turbo coming soon
    1970 Chevelle ly6 swap....d1 coming soon

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