Alright, I know there's a bunch of talk going on and a ton of call outs that need to be settled. That aside....I had spoken to Allen a few months ago and the idea of a fastest 16 (streetable) truck race was talked about. Ideas were posted on this site and a thread was started about "race day suggestions". That thread seems to have gotten completely out of control as it seems (for obvious reasons) that in order to please everyone there would be 100 different classes with at most 2 trucks per class. I mean, we could never have classes for every body style and drivetrain combo. There's not enough time let alone trucks.
I realize that it's impossible to cater to everyone, and not everyone will fit into this race. So the rules will have to pretty relaxed, possibly allowing anyone (within reason) a chance to qualify. It's the "within reason" issue and a time frame that needs to be sorted out.
I'm not starting this thread looking for input on what yall think should be done, rather I'm asking Allen (since this is your deal) whats the plan. We're about 4 months out and I think you should set in stone how or even if this going to happen so that everyone has time to prepare and be within whatever rules you want to enforce.
I'm fired up about this deal as are many others. Consult with whoever you want and if you need someone to organize this part of the event, I already told you I would help if you didn't have the time.
My suggestion would be to come up with all the details and post them in a sticky thread and lock it. No need for things to be changed once it's decided.
So.....what's the deal?