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I changed to a 2.5 in 2.5 out 2 chamber flow..not a flow its a IMCO muffler.anyway the truck seems to take longer to wind up and running hotter than...
Hey guys, I just got my AEM wideband guage today, didnt have time to install it but it will be going on tomorrow! This thing looks awesome, and I...
Post some reasons why you think this would happen: Wondered why my truck had been running like it was "misfiring". Found the...
Hey guys I have a question. My brakes finally started squeaking and I have to replace them. Here's my question, should I buy new rotors or...
I was watching trucks one day and they put a second overdrive on a truck and it was controlled by a switch wired in the cab. Would it be possible to...
When I install my 3800 stall here I plan to go through the trans while it's out. I have a lift so it's no biggie. I'm using Red Eagles for the Fwd,...
i want to get a cam for my truck 05 silveado w/5.3 but i dont know what to get and i am planning on getting the sts kit later any sugestions :help:...
COMP CAMS 273 XTREME XE-R LS1/LS6 CAMSHAFT 54-444-11 if this is really aggressive what numbers should i look for in finding one that is moderate.
Is there a way of increasing brake pressure in the computer or is this only able to be achieved by a better brake booster?
does anyone know of any longtube headers for a 4.3L 2005 silverado? im struggling finding some.
I was wondering what the specs are on a 5.3 stock cam. I was wondering about this so i could have a kind base line to help tell the differences in...
here's the plan, k&n, headers with mandrel bent exhaust, high flow cats, and i haven't decided on any mufflers yet, but at the same time i want to...
Hi again Is there any way I can push a 5.3L to become a 402 ? Happens that I have a spare one coming next month. But wat to try something cool...
What are the pro's and cons of switching the 5.3 cam with a stock ls1 cam?
So, I've been reading the forums here because it seems that this is one of the few places with truly knowledgeable GMT800 people. I'm far more...
The other day i took my truck in to get an allignment. They told me and showed me that my inner parts of my tie rod is worn. It is makeing a knocking...
I need to remove the fan clutch on my 03 Silverado SS. Which way loosens it? I don't know if it's left or right handed threads. I wanna clean up the...
Got an issue with what I hope is belt squeal and nothing else. A couple of weeks ago my crank pulley came off (:nono: don't ask! ) along with both...
Feel free to comment. Im going to have about $1500 soon to drop on my truck.
Hi, I am looking for some information on getting the gears and locker switched in my 06 Sierra Z71. I am probably going to go to Randy's Ring and...
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