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I wanna cam my truck very soon and Want a somewhat mild cam that I can run with LS6 Springs and have a badass lope to it. I was wondering if you...
So some of you may have read my other thread about a shift kit... Long story short, I blew out my stock 4l60E, my truck is currently at Precision...
i was thinking about having my heads ported, but ive had some people tell me that i shouldnt do it cuz it would put strain on the bottom end of the...
im looking to put a stall in my truck....cam range is 1500-6500 anyone got ne suggestions? brand and price
In need of more power 06 Silverado 5.3L Bone stock I am considering cam, pulley, exhaust, etc. Any recommendations for brands, specs, what...
i been reading and understanding this artical from hotrod mag. How to Add Horsepower to GM's 6.0L Ls-Series Small-Block - Hot Rod Magazine ...
i was wondering about trying to launch my truck in 4hi next time i am at the track, trying to get traction i was wondering if anyone does that and...
i've just put my 3rd tailshaft seal into my transfer-case about 4 weeks ago and it's already leaking again. I noticed the leak when I first got my...
Ok I've said it on these boards a few times my truck will always stay a standard unless I lose my left leg, well I have a bad left knee (dirtbike...
About how much power/torque could I make with a Walbro 255lph fuel pump in the tank and 43lbs injectors on a 4.8L ??
.... Just flat out sucks on my truck what could i do to make it better ? It's electric by the way.
Which one? Summit SUM-G3137 - Summit® High Performance Electric Fuel Pumps - summitracing.com Or this? Aeromotive 11106 - Aeromotive 700 HP EFI...
ok so heres the deal ! Im gonna run a new fuel system with all proper advice.I have been running electric aeromotive fuel pump,fuel management...
Any Particular Pulley Puller I Need?theres Several.i Was Going To Sell The 112,but Im Going To See What I Can Get Out Of It First:) Im At...
With my current setup I have a 3" cutout welded in before the muffler with the factory y-pipe. When I get my LT's I want to run true dual, and I've...
I'm swapping out my current 4L60 for a rebuilt unit (thanks skeet!) and I am wondering if there are any other things I should di while I have the...
Well, it was long overdue but it broke. 2001-2002 LS1 flexplates suck!! Looks like I'll be replacing it with a new TCI or compatible one this...
My tranny will be coming out of the truck this week for some "repairs" and Id like to do a shift kit while its apart/out. Any suggestions?...
So my 03 sierra is pushing 80k and since i'm planning on a ls6 w vortech swap (hoping for about 650hp to the flywheel after all is said and done). I...
I installed the true trac and wanted to know if the noise it's making is normal. Driving down the road it's about the same sound that the trans makes...
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