Engine | Transmission | Drive Axle | Chassis | Fuel
I have been looking all over for one, and most seem to be about $50 bucks. I noticed the 3800 and the ls motors use the same gm oil cap. Found this...
im looking for some 4.10 gears for my rear end, any good places to find them?
Should I install my Ls6 cam before or after the turbo? Will I see an gains pre cam?
Well i finally got my cam in that i thought about puttin in my tahoe. I have a TB stall right now and was going to be puttin in this cam...comp...
Where can i find a cam for a 5.3? I've looked everywhere. Help anyone?
im trying to decide what to run i have a 4l80e but it needs a rebuild i could run a th400 its a purely off road only rig but i dont know if it will...
ok.......yesterday i decided to change my atf since i hadnt done it in a while...transmission was running great til after the change....changed the...
I took a few pipes loose to check the MAF and found a few puddles of oil, about the size of a quarter, in the intake piping. WTF?!?!?!?!
ok so i have determined that i need to do something about my fuel system because it starts leaning out once i get into boost so what i think i am...
I recieved my Ls6 cam today and it appears to have little scratches between the lobes. I was wondering if this was normal or if I should not put this...
I have a set of 706 heads that I am cleaning and polishing the ports on, not valve work. I will be having the heads milled. What would ya'll...
changed radiators and thermostats. the pickup gets hot after idiling for 30 min. I took the cap off and the water would rise to the top and suck back...
So I'm gonna drop my tank on friday and I figured I'd try to flush out the fuel lines while the tank is detatched. Is there any way I can flush out...
Anyone else see OE cams fail across the nose of the lobe? Short version ’01 Suburban 1500 4wd, 5.3 LM7, bone stock, NEVER opened up! We are...
Bought some 07 e-fans for my 04. Is there any problems i am going to run into with dropping in a 34in radiator? Is my 105A alternator ok? Truck...
hey guys as some of you know i picked up a whipple charger a little while back. the kit was missing the Crank Pulley and i already have an ASP...
Any ideas why my 60E just decides on its own to only run in 3rd? :confused: Can manually pull it down to 2nd. No 1st, no overdrive. And shifts...
Well guys about a week ago I took the plunge and pulled the 5.3/4l60e out, only to replace it with a 6.0/4l80e. I stuck a TR Blower cam in for good...
Hi, I just installed a procharger in my 2004 silverado 2500HD 6.0 , 4L80E with 4.10's. I couldn't use an FMU because the 04 has no return line so i...
Just wondering what the concensus is on here about tranny temps on an 85-95 degree day, in mixed driving conditions. Not driving it hard, and maybe...
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