Engine | Transmission | Drive Axle | Chassis | Fuel
Since Mine Are Deleted,,can I Completely Remove Them And Plug The Y Pipe?or Do They Need To Stay Plugged In?if I Can Remove Them Completely What Size...
ok guys i'm thinking of changing up my setup a little. i am currently running a 04 lq4:burnrub:, i am using a set of p&p heads 317 castings and they...
Alright so im planning on buying servos and a shift kit for my 04 silverado. I was planning on getting the Vette servos then the Billet 4th servo and...
The 5.3 (2005) I bought for my truck has square rails, the one I got for free for my brothers truck (03 or 04) has the round rails, any difference?...
Hello, I apologize if not in correct forum. I'm new to owning a full size pu and I absolutely love it. However, I know it comes with the...
OK, so i lost my stick shift virginity today, and after that I REALLY want a manual trans. FLT has the T56 for $2150, and i really need a new trans...
Getting ready to do a cam/spring install after I put in my torque converter, shift kit, and vette servo and was wondering if anyone has used the...
So most of yall know i blew the drive shaft and trans out of my truck a few weeks back. I got new built trans and new driveshaft. My ABS light came...
Does anyone know the piston to valve clearance on a stock 2003 4.8 L
Would this knock sensor work for meh truck?? Standard Motor Products KS7 - Standard Motor Replacement Knock Sensors - Overview - SummitRacing.com
hey guys i need a bit of help. my ecm on my truck will read my maf sensor and then some time lose it. i already replaced it twice and put a new...
just got done with the 80 swap last nite but when i drove it it was like its taking off in 2nd gear instead of the converter flashing 3600 it will...
well my new cam came in this morning 226/ 229 .569/ .572 112 lsa. and i got a few questions for you guys 1. what pushrods do i need??...
ok guys. my dad just bought himself a 383 stroker for his 85 chevy and has his old 350 he wants to give me. he has all the bells and whistles for it,...
i fixed my plugged heater core and so of course there is coolant on the engine. so i sprayed it off and now 2 days later the common P0332 knock...
didn't find much when i searched but, i realized that i have to much fluid in my transmission..so how bad is that? its been shifting kinda funny...
Hey guys I have a 2005 Chevy Silverado Extended Cab 4.8 liter truck and it is completely stock. I need some help finding some performance and HP...
I read a post about checking your Dexcool that said to put the negative lead on the negative post of the battery and the positive lead into the...
Hey guys, I have a 1995 Reg Cab, long box, with a 4.3 V6 as my winter rat. Well I got it for a 150 bucks three yrs ago. i have put tires on it thats...
ok guys, i've been looking around everywhere for a supercharger for an 07' 4.3ltr LS and cant find one anywhere. anybody know of any sites where i...
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