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Kids are gone, time 4 me!!!!
hello all this is my second post i did't see this section and i put a post in pics/video section jeje well im fron durango mexico and i see this...
I'm here to learn all I can about the LS engines; I'm swapping a 2004 6.0 Vortec into my 88 Jeep Wrangler, something I've never done before, so I'm...
Love The Site ,tuns Of Information.
Hello, My name is Manuel and I am also hooked on speed. I frequent Performance Trucks more since I could never get an account or log in but I am...
newbe from reno nv 2006 chevy RCSB 4x4 4.8l with a ushift tranny and tranfer case pic's to come when the snow melts .:tacos:
well i would like to say hello form dallas and i hope this turns out to be a good website, for good info! thanks Ed:beerchug:
Hey just checking in. Also dos anyone know who has a black ext cab chevy with a cutout and z06cam in Austin up north around 183 and anderson mill....
Hello All - Checking in from central Kansas. I joined to learn more about swapping and doing conversions. My father has a '91 Chevy C1500 he...
hey everybody, im kinda new here.. for some odd reason i cant seem to sign in most of the time so i never really got to do this. im from arlington...
New guy from the greater Mid-South area(Mem. for those of you that don't know) I have a few toys and have worked on plenty of other peoples toys...
Sup ya'll, obviously new to the forum! Just found out about this place from an "" sticker on the back of a black silverado we saw here in...
Glad to be the latest addition to the forums
This is a very informative site! love it so far
Hello everyone, Stopping in to say hi. Now I need to find where to post my questions about the fun I am having changing those darn knock...
Whats Up Just Joined 2day Hope To Meet New People That Will Help Me Get My Truck Running Quicker!!
Been been lurking between here and figured i would make an account here finally. My truck is a bone stock 2006 2wd 5.3. Got the new low mount...
Hey everyone, I've got an S10 I'm working on gettin a 408 LSx into (stroked 6.0L block for those that may not know). I'm sure this site will be quite...
Hi everyone from iowa, I'm new to all this site but hoping you all can help me to trick out my 2000 GMC like a lot of yours are.
Hey everyone just bought a 99 gmc this past summer, this is my first newer body style truck, i`ve owned all GM's but this is the newest yet, looking...
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