All LS Based Conversions
2005 5.3L (Tahoe motor) in a 93 Silverado. Got almost everything working so far. What I'm having trouble with is the Tach signal. I'm using an Auto...
Hey, I am getting the texas speed 228R cam for my 6.0L. The specs are 228/228 .588/.588 on a 112 lsa. I was wondering if you guys thought it...
need input. putting my 6.0 in my K30 4X4. first idea was to put a burban tank in rear with in tank pump. more thought went into it, did not know...
Hey, I'm trying to figure out if anyone has notched there frame to mount lower ac on mid 90's chevy with a 6.0. I'm hearing lots of different things....
This may make me sound really dumb....but, now that I have my LQ4 successfully running I had to change the oil since it had been missfiring due to...
what size are the lines on the fuel rails on a 2001 6.0 (fittings) and what size are the under chassis feed and return fittings at the filter (98...
new to the site and starting a ls1 supercharged and auto swap in to a 92swb anyone got pics of there conversion?
Ok guys here we go I have a 2004 silverado 4.3 5 speed 4x4 And i have just bought 1995 ls-1 from a friend I need to know what parts i need to do the...
what all would i need other than motors tranny and wiring to drop a 6.0 LQ4 in a 96 silvy? where can i get parts, also how hard is wiring?
Hi guys, recently purchased a 2003 LQ4 for $150 with the intention of putting it in my 89 RCSB, Im going to ditch the DBW throttlebody, and since im...
I need this exact design to put a chevy 6.2 in my truck and clear the steering box. Right now the steering box is where the PS pump is so I need to...
Hey guys im upgrading my 1.75 compcam rockers to 1.85 ratio. Which makes my new lift .600/.595, do you guys think i will have any valve to pistion...
So here's what i started with, 1993 Jeep Wrangler (YJ) 2.5L 4 cylinder (125ish HP) 5 Speed Manual NP231 Transfercase (Aluminum chain drive)...
i cant decide if iam going to put a ls1 or a lq9 any thoughts they would be stock no more money for mods . or i can get a older 6.0 iron head and get...
I did a search. read the posts and still have ?'s. Whose adaptor plates keep the motor in the best position (not having to cut driveshafts etc.) I...
I have run something like two to three tanks of gas through my lQ4 before getting cylinders six and eight to stop misfireing. (turns out the two...
I am purchasing a 1969 GMC truck 2wd LB and am putting a 5.3L in it. i have a good engine with harness and computer. I already have researched quite...
Hey guys, I'm having a problem with a p0405 code. I believe its called circuit a low voltage. The red wire on the end of the plug has 12 volts when...
what's the average cost to convert a 91 chevy 350 tbi to ls1? just weighing my options.
Planning my 6.0 swap, gathering some fuel system parts.... I'm using my stock pass. side tank in my 86. Intank pump... As for the vent line going...
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