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Thread: TBSS Intake Swap

  1. #1

    TBSS Intake Swap

    ok boys and girls..
    put the TBSS intake and TB on the ole 03 SSS yesterday with Shifty's help.
    couple of questions.. we're hearing a squeal that bleeds off after you shut the truck off. the Fuel pressure is now 70 psi, up from 60 before the swap.. we're using the 04 corvette fuel filter\regulator due to the TBSS being returnless and my truck being return style..
    anyone have a clue what that could be.. ill get a video up later.

    other than that, very few hiccups, until..
    we were almost done and we noticed the passenger side valve cover has a nipple for a vaccume source, the drivers side has the PCV valve, but the intake only appears to have one vaccume port..
    lookie here.. see that orange cap? thats it.. WHAT GOES IN THERE??? my intake had nothing
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  2. #2
    FYI here is what the fuel filter looks like.. this pic is not mine but mine looks just like it
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Broken Bow, OK
    Try another filter/regulator. Mine stayed at 58 psi with the vette filter.
    On the passenger valve cover vent, you can either plug it and put a vent filter in the oil fill cap or put a filter on the end of the hose.

    The orange cap is where the PCV hose goes. Look in the 2nd picture you posted, you can see it. It should have a nipple there, may have been broken off and they plugged it with that cap.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Not trying to thread jack here, just was wondering what gains you get out of switching to the TBSS intake. Also, why can't you use the stock return style truck rails?

  5. #5
    ive seen a few pics with that orange plug in there.. this intake was NEW.. never used.. and that hole is SMOOTH.. not a broken peice of plastic to be found.
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  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by emmerich5.3 View Post
    Not trying to thread jack here, just was wondering what gains you get out of switching to the TBSS intake. Also, why can't you use the stock return style truck rails?
    tbss intake is taller, crossover tube does not fit.. unless you cut it and alter it .. and i cant weld.
    here is one person's numbers..
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  7. #7
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    the intake was BRAND NEW...the orangle plug is just a cheap plastic...there are 2 clips on the side, that hold the pcv piece in. on older intakes, it was molded...on the newer ones, looks like the piece pops out. We just need a part number for that piece.

    The return style rails won't clear the bigger TBSS intake. That intake is 90mm instead of his older 78mm. Kind of pointless now, but will def benefit his new motor (we just wanted to get the bugs worked out).

    Is it possible we have the vette filter in backwards? The 'feed' side of filter in the return line on truck....and the 'return' side of filter on the 'feed' side of truck? That is only thing I can think of.... we put the 3/8 line where the old 3/8 line was...I vaguely remember an article about having to flip the filter...that the 5/16 side was actually the feed.
    blown transmissions are about as useful as 97% of the guys on this forum

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by emmerich5.3 View Post
    Not trying to thread jack here, just was wondering what gains you get out of switching to the TBSS intake. Also, why can't you use the stock return style truck rails?
    You can use the 87mm or 90mm throttle bodies, intakes supposedly flow better too. I did notice much better throttle response after the install and retune.

    The rails that fit the TBSS intake are returnless and don't have a regulator built in. You can use the vette filter, modify them, or use aftermarket rails.

    04+ with the returnless rails you don't have to do any of that, it will plug right in.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by oleshifty View Post
    the intake was BRAND NEW...the orangle plug is just a cheap plastic...there are 2 clips on the side, that hold the pcv piece in. on older intakes, it was molded...on the newer ones, looks like the piece pops out. We just need a part number for that piece.
    Don't know, mine is non-removable just like the original intake. Also I notice yours has the newer style MAP boss, while mine used my original

    Quote Originally Posted by oleshifty View Post
    Is it possible we have the vette filter in backwards? The 'feed' side of filter in the return line on truck....and the 'return' side of filter on the 'feed' side of truck? That is only thing I can think of.... we put the 3/8 line where the old 3/8 line was...I vaguely remember an article about having to flip the filter...that the 5/16 side was actually the feed.
    If you have it like the one in the pic above, it is correct.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Broken Bow, OK
    Do you have the vent on the passenger valve cover capped right now? That might explain the squealing.

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