Conversation Between CaptTrevStarr and George C

5 Visitor Messages

  1. i do my own tuning and i use hptuners. some business wont delete emission codes as they can get in trouble with doing so.
  2. Hello quik. Sorry to bother u again. Before I had messaged u. I had already emailed nelson for their views on this situation. And from what they say is that it won't happen. Just wonderin what tuning software u have or who did ur tuning. Thank you in advance!

  3. Thank u very much quik. No if I can ge t allen to answer phones and emails it would be much better. I know he's busy. Especially prolly with the holidays coming up. Thank you for ur help. It appreciated!!!
  4. yes should be able to set all ready monitors in tune. i have no emissions stuff on my truck and i pass every time with no issues. just make sure truck is all correct/healthy
  5. hey quik...just lookin through some of your old posts about emissions...way back last having problems with passing emissions here in nj.....they keep throughing a po430 po171 po174.....from what i understand from the post is that if i was to get them turned off like i should have when i had allen tune the truck...that ill get the ready signal at the inspection station even thought they are turned off?....thank you for your help and time....been fighting this and searchin like a mofo...

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