Conversation Between T Young and 567234ta

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Or for a new post just click on the post new thread button
  2. I found how to make a BUILD I want to post some general questions...such as a NEW do I do this? Do I have to have special permission? Let me know, THANKS.
  3. Go into the My Garage section and just click on post new thread. I can't wait to see this thing running!!
  4. the big hold up now is getting my shop finished so i can move the swap indoors. how do i make a build thread?
  5. I just found them Truck looks awesome man, I saw a tan one today about the same year, not sure what it had in it but it had rear tires that were about 14" wide. I love the wheels you have also, how much more you got to do to finish it?
  6. Did you get a chance to check out my pics?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7