Conversation Between Mickeymotormount and Dobok

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi John; Just dropped off my heads to my friends place(machine shop) and he wont start till I tell him what cam I want to use !!! You have the same truck(almost)as I dont have 4x4 so what cam did you use and would you still pick it if you could start over !! I wont be racing at the track at all but a little power on the street never hurt anybody !! LOL Hope things are going well; Dave
  2. Hi John; How are you doing !!! I am still accumulating parts for my swap still and was looking at the truck intake (Geez its ugly)and with a whole new motor going to be built (around 500 hp)should I be using the Ls6 car intake for my Ls6.0 build !!! I am not looking for a race engine or will be racing it at all except for the little romps on the street once in a while !! I think that I read somewhere that the car intake(Ls6) is the way to go but with all the new intakes coming out all the time its really hard to know anymore !!! If I do that what size(92 or 102 or !!!) and where should I be looking for one !! Thanks Dave
  3. Happy B-day John !!! I noticed and wanted to say Thanks to for your help !!! Dave
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