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Thread: Double din in 99 sierra

  1. #1

    Double din in 99 sierra

    i was lookin to put an in-dash dvd in my truck, i know the 1.5 din's will work and that the double din will only work in the 03 and new, BUT I talked to someone at ciruit city and they said that they have heard of people putting double din's in 99's, anyone seen this done or know how to make it work and look good?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    I've did it. It was a PITA. It took a whole weekend to get everything to fit right.

    I used my stock bucket and used the clips off my factory radio and it slides in like factory. I bought a 03+ bezel tho.

  3. #3
    oh ok, did u keep the the heater controls in the stock place? Did u have to do any trimming to get it in the stock bucket? Any pics u could post please...

  4. #4
    Interesting question. I would like to know more also. Like the Bezel fitment. Does it fit right up like the old one?
    99RCSB Broke because I wasted thousands and thousands of dollars on my truck.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    newburgh, NY
    Read this it should help a little. There is some good links in there.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    I just did it in my 01. Easy as cake. Took about 2 hours. I made brackets from aluminum and a single din kit. Cut out most the brace between the a/c and radio out and trimmed above the radio with a dremmel. Hardest part is removing the bucket where the stock radio sits. But you need too. When you got that removed, remove the metal brace in the dash. My double din tv is a full 7" and would not fit with it there. Once all was done my tv slid in and fit perfect. Of course there are random measurements along the ways. And you will have a gap on both sides of the double din. I used an old dash kit and cut plastic pieces to fill the gap. I will try and get pics when I get back in town. It's really is easy to do. Thanks.

  7. #7
    you can actually do it alot easier..all you need to buy is a bezel from an 03+ and the stock radio bucket it's self. Here is a link to a couple of how too's from another gm forum...good info and lots of pics, I've done this twice, but never with the factory bucket..I'm getting ready to do my truck and i'm gonna try that way I'll be sure to take a bunch of pics ....here is the link Double din in a 99-02 - GMFullsize Forums
    Slowest damn truck on the site....

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