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Thread: Putting Light seats w/o seatbelts in 2000 body style chevy truck.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Putting Light seats w/o seatbelts in 2000 body style chevy truck.

    Is it me or are the seats in a 2000 body style truck very heavy?? I would love to put some smaller racing seats in my truck but what to do with the seatbelt situation. Has anyone done the light racing seats, and what did you do about the seat belt setup?? My seats are very heavy and would love some light seats. Would sell my seats to anyone around the Lubbock area.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    I asked this same question a few months back. Everyone said I would need a roll bar behind the seat to attach the new seatbelts too. And that it would be really ricer if I put in race seats. Good luck.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Yes i was thinking if there was a way to put in seatbelts like the 88-98 trucks.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Moore oklahoma
    There isn't a mount point in the b-piller to mount the old style seat belts. The only safe way is a roll bar, and five point harness. imo
    2001 Silverado, work in progress. Add a vette servo and Nissan e-fans

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I have done it in my 01 Silverado. Used the seatbelts out of a OBS ext cab with no 3rd door, and weldd in reinfrcements to floor and b-pilar. Can't post any photos right now from my phone....

    I asked the same question all over every forum I could think of over a year ago when I did it, and got very little reply or answers, other than a handfull of guys with caged trucks!

    I am not going to claim what I have is necessarily the safest thing to do, but it's in my weekend truck and I typically only ride alone anyway. And yes, I did drop quite a bit of weight too, even with having to fab my own custom brackets.
    Shralp' it heavy.

    \\ '02 Sierra \V/ '01 Silvy //

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