i want to give my truck a make over and get rid of the Look it has now...the blue and chrome rims etc attracts DPS all the time.they never fail....
im looking into doing something a little more of that sporty (meaner look)...
i was thinking a darker color for sure,i was going to do Black even before the Blue which i should have...
might do Gloss black on black or gunmetal silver on black
but for sure im getting rid of the blue and ordering a hood for it..just undecided on which one
i really like the cowl hood,can never go wrong with a cowl hood but i dont like the vents on it,dont even like the vents on the fender,will paint to match them when in booth.
then theres this one i can get that "V" look
any suggestions ideas on how to make this look mean?
i like these colors on black or grey wheels