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Thread: 2/4" drop on 22"s help!!

  1. #1

    2/4" drop on 22"s help!!

    I'm picking up 2" lowering spindles and 2" lowering shackle hangers tomorrow (2" drop shackles already on the truck) and I have the boss 313 22" wheels with 285/45/22 tires. Will this work or rub? I'm planning to switch to 285/40/22 tires once these tires are done but will it work for now? Thanks guys!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    S.A. Texas
    as long as your wheels are the high offset version you should be fine.
    Name: Mark,
    God created turbo lag so nitrous trucks could have a chance.


  3. #3
    I believe they are. I bought hangers and spindles yesterday but do the hangers go on the front part of the leaf springs and not at the rear where the drop shackles go?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Honeywood, Ontario
    Hangers go on the front.
    2006 Silverado
    Little Black Bitch

  5. #5
    That's what I thought I'm just tryin to get all the facts straight I've never dropped a truck before except my shackles.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Rockwall TX
    How did this turn out? I wouldn't guess that it rubs, I've got a 3/5 drop on my Tahoe with 305/30/26's and it only rubs when I turn sharp.

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