Thinking about lowering my Sierra later on down the road but I'm caught in the middle as to what I wanna do exactly. Part of me wants to lower it a lot like say a 3/4 drop which I think looks spectacular. However the other part of me likes being able to jump curbs when I need to and I also park on a hill which means I've gotta be able to drive over "rough" grade when necessary. So I'm thinking a 1/2 drop would be best but do you guys think it would be worth it appearance wise to lower it only that much? I mean I know I'd be able to tell it and it would definately make the HUGE wheel well gap in the back a tad more appealing but what would ya'll do? And what company makes the best lowering kit for the poor mans buck?
Thanks. Oh, and I just wanted to clarify the signature system on this site sucks terribly, LOL! Pain in the neck if I've ever seen one.